Head over to: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon or anywhere else you listen to podcasts because our Kids Stories, Science ...
The Benefits of Listening to audiobooks with your child Audiobooks provide a great way to bond and share a love of stor...
Dramatised audiobooks such as Lost on Infinity by Rockford's Rock Opera can encourage creativity in kids. It's a fascina...
Audiobooks are an excellent gift Firstly, they can help foster a love of reading and storytelling at an early age. Many...
Thought it would be a good time to update everyone in terms of all the different kid's audiobook platforms, players, and...
Rockford’s Rock Opera Musical Audiobook We launched Rockford’s Rock Opera’s first ecological musical story, Lost ...
New educational resources available NOW! For the past 6 months we’ve been working on a new education section for the ...
Lost on Infinity is an ecological audiobook which is used in thousands of schools across the world to teach about endang...
When we first created Lost on Infinity and our Rockford's Rock Opera audiobooks for teaching we knew that the subject ma...
Beautiful Battersea Day is the new song / single to download now. It's from Rockford's Rock Opera’s 'The End of Infini...