New educational resources available NOW! For the past 6 months we’ve been working on a new education section for the ...

Lost on Infinity is an ecological audiobook which is used in thousands of schools across the world to teach about endang...

When we first created Lost on Infinity and our Rockford's Rock Opera audiobooks for teaching we knew that the subject ma...

Beautiful Battersea Day is the new song / single to download now. It's from Rockford's Rock Opera’s 'The End of Infini...

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We are absolutely delighted to announce that Rockford's Rock Opera’s Lost on Infinity, The King of Nowhere and The Spo...

Your search is over! Since I've been attempting to write a daily blog on the Rockford's Rock Opera website, I've been...

When we first started creating Rockford’s Rock Opera and the story, which has now become the dramatized children's aud...

Our Musical Audiobooks are now on Yoto! A lot of people have been asking us why we chose the Yoto player to premier the ...

EVER FELT LIKE YOU'VE BEEN HERE BEFORE? Audiobooks in Lockdown! And so it's February the 2nd…. again! For those of yo...