Your search is over!

Since I’ve been attempting to write a daily blog on the Rockford’s Rock Opera website, I’ve been struck by the need to try and say something interesting rather than just to pack the text with keywords and popular phrases that people might search for! Like children’s musical audiobook!

If you’re reading this my best advice would be to click here where you’ll discover our children’s musical audiobook Lost on Infinity free of charge.

However, if you really want to do read on and I’ll try to make this article interesting… even if you may notice the phrase children’s musical audiobooks rather more often than you perhaps would like…

The point is that nearly everything you read on the web these days, certainly everything on a commercial site where ultimately the aim is to ask people to discover or to buy a product, is written with search engine optimization in mind. For those of you don’t know about this dark art, SEO or search engine optimization is the entirely legal way by which people get you to their pages in an ‘organic’ way (as Google terms it) as opposed to using paid for mechanisms like Adwords. When Google and other search engines ‘look’ at sites – and please bear in mind I do not consider myself an expert on this subject –  they search for certain words phrases and collections of words which suggest that site is a legitimate source of information on a topic. In this case, if you were searching for ‘children’s musical audio books’ you may end up on this article and in which case Google will have succeeded in doing exactly what it should because ‘children’s musical audio books’ is the keyword I’m currently thinking about while writing!

Fortunately in this case you have come to a site which is absolutely perfect if you’re looking for children’s musical audio books! Our Rockford’s Rock Opera audio books, Lost on Infinity, the King of Nowhere, the Spooo who Grew and, now, The End of Infinity, are all fantastic and pretty much unique examples of children’s musical audio books..

So what is a children/s music audiobook? Well of course on one hand that’s pretty obvious it’s a kid’s audio story with music. However, there aren’t around. Many readers may remember Jeff Wayne’s 1970s ‘War of the Worlds’ audio story which, although not specifically aimed at children, mixed narration and music to create an audio adventure.

I also remember many Disney audio stories on record and on CD which provided a narrated story of a well-known Disney animated movie. For example, I distinctly remember an audiobook story of The Jungle Book featuring, of course, all those wonderful songs but with dramatized story to go along with the music.

This is very much what Rockford’s Rock Opera is, a mixture of a narrated story, acted characters, sound effects and songs. Although that may sound pretty much like a musical, in our case the story was written and conceived as an audiobook, in other words, it was written as an audio adventure, it isn’t simply an adaptation of an existing book film or animation made to work in audio. So, we always wanted to make a children’s audiobook musical and that’s what we’ve made. So this article is part of our marketing, it’s designed to bring people searching for terms such as ‘children’s musical audio book’ to this very site and to read this very piece of somewhat uninformative text so that they can discover what we have to offer. But, please don’t feel mislead – I’m glad to say what we have to offer is an awesome wonderful, heart-warming, thought-provoking children’s audiobook musical! So you’re in the right place! You can discover part one of our award-winning, Lost on Infinity story (which is over an hour-long) entirely free both as apps on Apple and on Android and here on the Rockford’s Rock Opera website.


So, if the reason you are here is that you were looking for a children’s musical audiobook please click through now and enjoy hours of free enjoyment. Thank you for coming, I apologize for my SEO article but Google made me do it!