Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
We MUST reduce the amount of waste we produce.
As we’re sure you know, it’s important that we recycle or reuse as much as possible…
Nearly everything you put in your rubbish bin is taken away and burned, or buried in a hole in the ground at landfill sites. This harms the environment as, when it rots, toxic gas escapes into the air.
The UK produces more than 400 MILLION metric tons of waste every year… About 320 million metric tons of this could be reused, recycled, or composted.
Despite huge amounts of publicity, products we buy still have lots of unnecessary packaging that cannot be recycled, so it is better to avoid these products, repair items that are broken (rather than replace them with new ones), and recycle as much as possible. This would drastically reduce the amount of waste that pollutes our environment.
The volume of waste produced in the UK in one hour
would fill the Albert Hall in London.
In one year, there would be enough waste to fill dustbins
stretching from the Earth to the Moon.
But everyone can do their bit. There are many useful websites that can help you understand more about what we should be doing.
And think about Christmas!
An estimated 1.7 billion Christmas cards will be sent this year. The equivalent of around 200,000 trees will be used to produce the cards. You can help save trees and money by sending one of our FREE animated e-cards.
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