Lost on Infinity is an award-winning dramatised musical story for children. With an ecological theme, it covers topics including endangered species and extinction in a unique, engaging and thought-provoking way.

A Classroom Favourite

Thousands of children across the world love learning about endangered animals, ecology, biomimicry, and so much more with Lost on Infinity. Although our dramatised musical story is enjoyed by all ages, its positive and hopeful themes resonate particularly with seven, eight and nine-year-olds. So we concentrate on this age group for our teaching materials – lesson plans for all subject areas, downloadable assets, puzzles and games (KS2 in England).

A unique audio visual adventure which teaches children about ecology, eco-systems and the dangers of extinction. The quality is really superb and it has been widely acclaimed by leading ecologists and charities including the World Wildlife Fund.


Try Chapters 1 and 2

With clear narration, characters and catchy songs, Lost on Infinity is 2 hours long, broken down into sixteen convenient 5-10 minute chapters.

You can listen to Chapters 1 and 2 and download our lessons plans. Then, if you would like to enjoy the whole story (and a wealth of lesson plans covering all aspects of the curriculum), you can register for full access on our MEMBERSHIP PAGE.
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What’s the story about?

Far away in the Sea of Tranquillity is the Island of Infinity, home to the world’s lost creatures. Infinity has a secret for the world, but Moog, a boy from Battersea in London, and Rockford, his dog, are the only ones who can deliver its message. Travelling to Infinity, Moog and Rockford are drawn into a truly world-changing adventure.


Resources for Chapters 3 – 16


Register now to access the entire story, including a read-along version, plus engaging lesson plans and learning resources – all for FREE!

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🐾 Once logged in, you can find all chapters in your Account (use the green LOGIN/ACCOUNT button in the top menu). You can also access them directly – Click Here.

Don’t miss this chance to explore the full adventure!

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