Episode 4 – ‘Disappearing’. Battersea Park, Experts & Anonymous Moths.

We’re back in the real world with Moog who’s searching for his missing dog, when something extraordinary happens!

After the story (12 minutes) Steve Punt, Elaine and Matthew Sweetapple will be telling you more about Battersea Park and meeting expert, Dr. David Lees from the Natural History Museum who’ll be telling us more about moths – anonymous, amazing and revolting too!

Everything you wanted to know, plus some stuff you didn’t…

To enter our brilliant Moth Book Competition, email us by the 31st October 2023 at: rockford@sweetapple.co.uk with your answer to the question; ‘What’s the name of the moth that has a picture on its wings of a red-eyed fly feeding on vomit and bird poo?!’ Oh dear! (There’s a very big clue HERE!)

The Rockford’s Rock Opera songs featured in this episode are:

1. This Tail is True
2. One Day (the Song of the Anonymous Moth)

You can hear full versions of both of these on Apple Music, Spotify, and on our website too.

(If you’d like to email us any questions for us to include in an upcoming episode of the podcast then please email us at rockford@sweetapple.co.uk and please ask your parents to give their permission in the email).

About ‘Lost on Infinity’

This unique kids podcast features our award-winning story, ‘Lost on Infinity’, which is available as a children’s audiobook on Apple Music, Spotify and Amazon Music. The Times described it as “Amazing”.

To find out more about us and our stories visit: www.RockfordsRockOpera.com

Thanks for listening!
