Have you ever wondered if animals have only one brain like humans?
Some creatures possess multiple brains, challenging our assumptions about neurological complexity.

Squid (3 brains):
One for overall body control and two dedicated to their sophisticated eyes, which consume a significant portion of their brainpower, around 80%, for processing visual information.

Cockroaches (2 brains):
One in the head and another near the abdomen. This dual-brain setup allows them to keep moving for a short time, even after decapitation.

Bumblebees (3 brains):
Three brains, each controlling a different body part, aid them in tasks like recognising flowers and navigating pollination.

Slugs (3 brains):
For storing memories and patterns.

Snails (Up to 6 brains):

Mosquitoes (3 brains):
Their intelligence, though limited, allows them to learn to avoid predators, find food and water through smell, and even recognise human scents.

Octopi (9 brains):
This arrangement enables individual arm movement and contributes to their problem-solving abilities.

Silkworms (11 brains):
To remember and learn information rather than relying solely on instincts.

Leeches (32 brains):
Aiding in faster decision-making or serving functions similar to nerves in other animals.

See some animal brains here

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