If I had a penny for every time I’ve been asked this question I’d nearly be able to buy another guitar – which I don’t need.

For those of you who don’t know, the Cocklebur Ick is one of the extinct stars of Lost on Infinity, the first story from Rockford’s Rock Opera – our unique adventure in sound. As you’ll know, they are cute small yellow creatures with rough green stripes down their backs and who had the misfortune to stick to things (including Rockford the dog, in our audio story). You may also know that Cocklebur seeds were the inspiration for the invention of Velcro – hence their name.
When, in the audiobook, we meet the Cocklebur Ick she’s on her way to the Island of Infinity and a home amongst the world’s extinct creatures and so is, unfortunately, the last Cocklebur Ick… take a look at the Tale of the Cocklebur Ick video to know more.

So, were/are Cocklebur Icks real?

Well, the truth is, I don’t really know. Originally I thought we’d made them up but then someone wrote to us from Hitchin in Hertfordshire (UK) to say they remember Cocklebur Icks playing in the streets at night when they were a child. Since the writer was in her 80s when she wrote this must have been a long time ago.
So, in search of the truth, we’re shortly off on safari to Hitchin to ask the locals if anyone else remembers Cocklebur Icks. We’ll let you know… what do you think?